Saturday, July 24, 2010

an ache for wake

i'm sick. literally and figuratively. i can't breathe, my throat hurts and my head feels like it weighs 30 pounds. i'm also sick of winter. sick of cold and the need for a jacket. don't get me wrong - i absolutely LOVE buenos aires and south america - i have just reached the point beyond tolerance for temperatures below 75. and it's also sort of torture knowing that in a matter of days i'll be on the beach soaking up sun (and let me tell you I need it cause i'm practically glowing-in-the-dark white) with my family! that said, between Spanish winter and Argentine winter, I was granted a few weeks in Cali and spent a few lovely days near the sea in Ocean Beach and Santa Monica. in order to remind myself of this fact, i looked through some of the pictures i have to prove it, and i realized i never posted any of them.

disclaimer: i should say that i'm by no means literally miserable and don't take for granted the fact that i have been traveling the world the past 7 months - it's just that cynical writing is way more fun, and when i sneeze every other sentence it fuels my fire. :)


  1. glad you posted those, I remember seeing them they are so cool! hope you feel better soon!

  2. Awesome pics! Reminds me of Punta del Este... and the Hannah Montana setting haha
    I want summer!!!!!!!
    xoxo, Lu
