Monday, July 19, 2010

viva eshpaña

spain has been on my mind a good bit lately. you see, they won the world cup, which at the end of the day i had mixed feelings about, but it still made me a little nostalgic for my study abroad days. the feelings were mixed because my heart is in uruguay and the rest of me is currently in South America, where soccer is super important to just about everybody. i'm talking "as long as i have bread, water and soccer i'll be fine" kind of important. so naturally i would have loved to see a Latin American team in the final, especially uruguay...they almost made it. anyways...i about died when the Spanish soccer team made their big speech upon their return to Spain because the guy had a weird accent/speech impediment of some kind, and combined with his over-the-top-enthusiasm (which was merited as they had just won the world cup), it all just came out sounding a little ridiculous. "VIVA ESHPAÑA! VIVA EL FUTBOL!! Y SHOMOS LOSH MEJORESH!!" then, i went to see the new Tom Cruise movie Explosive Encounter and the bad guys were Spanish! They shot the end scenes of the movie in Sevilla, Spain and I felt like I recognized a few of the buildings in the shots. All of that to say, I felt like Spain was deserving of a blog entry!

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