Saturday, July 17, 2010

pretty in pigtails

it's amazing to me how much Naomi has grown and changed just over the past couple of months that I have been with her! she is beautiful regardless, but she actually conceded to letting me put some pigtails in her hair and it was ADORABLE. i seriously just couldn't stop going on about how cute she looked so, of course, i had to break out the camera. we got some really really REALLY cute shots! i can't believe my time with her is running out, nor that she is going to turn 2 so soon! i had fun working on her 2nd birthday invites this week...before ya know it she'll be off to kindergarten and then she'll be driving and graduating!!! ahh. all the more important to document the sweet little things along the way. plus is was fun for me to play with light and colors to give the pictures different feels.

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