Saturday, March 26, 2011

most recent travels

my most recent travels took me back to a familiar place...Spain. however, while the location was familiar, the experience was completely unique, and I actually feel completely differently towards the country now than I do when I left. the first time I was in Spain, I was extremely inwardly focused - people generally study abroad for reasons that at their very best are still self-serving. it was all about what I could gain from the cultured I would become...the opportunities that I would have, and as a result I missed so much of the richness that had nothing to do with me. I went not with an attitude of how I could leave Spain a better place but with how Spain could leave me a better place. But you see, I am not a place, and while Spain did drastically influence my life, there is no direct discourse between a space and a person without interaction with other humans (at least in my opinion). A place can move you...a place can be burned into your mind in a way that you will never forget...but the way the place makes you feel is often connected to the memories tied to it, and most memories are created with people. During my first four months in Spain, I became close with very few Spaniards. On my return, there was a very short list of people I wanted to see. This saddened me. When I went to Uruguay last year, there were so many people that I wanted to see that I didn't even have time to see them all.

This trip to Spain was entirely different. I went with a heart to serve and to connect with people. WOWE. I am so in love with Spain. A country that I was honestly relatively indifferent towards before this trip. I feel like my life was changed more in a week than it was in four months of living there because of one factor: PEOPLE. The way that I will travel in the future is now totally different. I would rather go to a foreign country and stay in one coffee shop the entire time than to see every nook and cranny of the place if it meant relationships would be the result. It's not about me. It's about others.

The difference between these photos and previous Spain photos is faces. Enjoy.


  1. Laura, really loved your blog. Your experience was so much like mine. I came for a semester abroad way back and also saw sights... but got to know few Spaniards. I agree, coming with a heart to serve makes so much difference. Even as a family we have had vacations in different locations... but the ones where we went to serve and not to vacation were actually the best for the whole family. We really were glad that your trip included us! You are welcome any time! : )

  2. You are awsome Laura!!! I love your blog and Im learning a lot from your experiences, miss you lots!! Kisses from Uruguay, Lucia

  3. i know those people standing on the redbox! great ministry :)
