Sunday, February 13, 2011

o fart

well it looks like i went another several months without updating my blog. there's just not that much to take pictures of when everything is dead and everyone's put on their winter weight. and of course it is the heart of my winter semester and I'M DYIN' BACK HEYAH! a lot of really amazing things have been going on in my life lately. God has done some amazing things in my heart and provided some awesome opportunities to share my love for Him. I'm going on a mission trip back to Spain in 2 1/2 weeks. I got hired to be part of the Orientation team at JMU for 2011 and have almost 50 new friends because of it. So crazy busy, but so excited to be a participant in LIFE right now. but, for my whole 12 followers, i thought i could post a few of the random shots i've taken over the past few months! the first two were from a weekend at a cabin in MD, and the rest are pretty much just random...enjoy!

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