Monday, June 7, 2010

sissy's a senior

While I was studying abroad in Spain, my mom and sister came to visit me for a week in Madrid and I took some senior pictures of Mere one day. Here are my favorites from our mini-photo shoot.

This shot was taken in the middle of a median near the Plaza Mayor in Madrid. I thought the little Vespa was really cute and I love how the light hits her hair in the shot.

This shot was taken at a fountain in a pretty little park in the museum district of Madrid near the Museo del Prado. It is one of my favorites from the whole day.

I love the expression and contentment in Mere's face in this picture, and the colors of the flowers are so beautiful!

I love how the beautiful architecture of Madrid's Post Office headquarters, urban flow of cars, and beauty of nature are united in this shot, but most of all I love that the beauty of my sister is what is so captivating about it!

In the Plaza Mayor of Madrid, I managed to capture a somewhat candid expression from my sister, and I love the way her softness is juxtaposed with the rigid architecture and statue.

There are so many more that I love, but I'll limit myself to 5! If you'd like to see more, most all of them are in an album called "Meredith's Senior Pictures" on my facebook page.

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