Sunday, June 6, 2010

first entry

Due to the advice of an esteemed friend/professor/employer/fellow-traveler of mine, I have decided to start posting some of my favorite photos online via this blog. It doesn't matter a whole lot if anyone reads it or looks at it, but it is a way for me to actively put my photography out there, keep track of my photography for portfolio purposes, and be inspired to continue pursuing this fun little hobby of mine. This friend seems to think that if I work hard enough at it, it may develop into something I can use for my benefit in the here goes nothing. I'm going to be posting some of my favorite shots that I have taken of my travels, and also of a really cute toddler who lovingly (most of the time) considers me her nanny...and I will continue adding photos of my travels and my toddler as time progresses. :)

This first upload is just to kick things off. This is Naomi, and with her mother's permission, I plan to exploit her on this blog. Because she's so darn cute.

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