Wednesday, June 30, 2010

audrey-esque and under 2

last week while cleaning up my room, a baby in a black shirt grabbed my string of pearls...and a photo-shoot was born. :) these are all post-minor edits.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

cupcake cognizance

let's just admit it...cupcakes a GREAT. they deserve an award...a holiday...a key to the city! These are from Muma's Cupcakes - Malabia St., Palermo Soho section of BsAs.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

tennis shoe art and a pretty little face

while in Recoleta last week we stopped by the Buenos Aires Cultural Center and saw a neat display on painted tennis shoes that I took some shots of, and later while we were outside the museum, I got a couple cute ones of Naomes!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"the mouth"

The port section of Buenos Aires is called "La Boca" - which means "the mouth" in English. I'm assuming this name comes from the idea that the port is the opening through which Buenos Aires has had a connection with the outside world for a good number of years now. This section of town is well-known because traditionally it was home to port laborers who used the left-over paint from the ships to paint their houses in a patchwork mess of a rainbow that makes for a popular tourist stop and of course, a picturesque stroll for someone like me. Here are just a few of my shots from my first visit. My favorite is by far the one of the two dogs sleeping...I'm uploading two different versions of it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

portugal please!

being in BsAs has been making me think about some of my other travels, and my visit to San Telmo the other day reminded me of parts of Portugal, which I had the pleasure of visiting back in February. it was beautiful!

Monday, June 21, 2010

a people obsessed

so there's this guy named Diego Maradona, and the people of Argentina consider him second only to the Lord Most High. He was a soccer star in his hay-day, but now he's sort of an insane has been who got his stomach stapled and hangs out in Cuba with Fidel in his free time. But they still love him to death. I suppose I should give him credit because he is currently coaching Argentina's so-far-successful national team for the world cup, but's a little ridiculous. There is graffiti of his face on walls, flip-books of his most famous goals, and even blue & white donuts named after him. Check it out.

she's photogenic

so here's some more of my favorite shots of my P.I.C. (partner in crime) for the summer from while we were in Redding & Santa Monica!

Monday, June 14, 2010

from one side to the other

these are some shots of cool bridges i've had the pleasure of visiting over the past few months!

this is a draw bridge in downtown sacramento, CA.

these are two of my favorite pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, CA.

these are shots of the Sundial Bridge in Redding, CA, which was engineered by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava.