Monday, September 6, 2010

tous mes amis amoureux de Paris

i got to see some amazing things while in Europe, not the least of which was Paris...and I just had to share some of the amazing pictures I got while I was there! Most of my favorites are of le Tour Eiffel - it just somehow captures the essence of this amazing city unlike anything else. i loved everything about Paris...except the price-tags. :) everything is beautiful...everyone is chic...even the dogs are stylish. and the FOOD. o. my. word. it is at the top of my list for return visits!

Friday, September 3, 2010


well let me begin by saying that there are many good excuses as to why I haven't posted and photos in over a month. i arrived home from argentina and the same day headed to charleston, SC with my family for a week. we enjoyed some warm beach weather, and then i spent a couple of weeks in fredericksburg before heading back to good ole j. maddy. missed it dearly. but, excuses aside, here are my best efforts at covering the last month! i have some new(ish) photos of Naomi (who I miss dearly on a daily basis and can't believe I've been separated from for over a month now), a few more of Argentina, some from Charleston...and so on...but i won't clump them all together, so these are from a day that Naomi and I spent at the park, and our walk through the Abasto district on the way home in late July. :)