Friday, May 6, 2011

this is [not] how i roll

so a friend that i hadn't talked to in a while called me up a few weeks ago and asked me if i'd be willing to take some pictures of this guy friend of hers. i said sure. money's money. so we worked out a time...she said he had a friend that might be in some of the photos with him...i honestly just thought, portraits? no biggie. then i asked what the photos were for. "he's a rapper and he needs new photos for his album and publicity and stuff." ...

just in case you haven't noticed from the rest of this photo blog, i take pictures of 2 year olds with bunnies and flowers and rainbows. rappers? what the heck am i going to do with 2 rappers?!

it was a learning experience to say the very least. :) they were really nice but i don't they'll be dying to chill with me anytime soon. i was affectionately [or not so affectionately] labeled "camera girl" which i am perfectly fine with.

here are a few of the ones that i like...the artsy fartsy ones that they will probably never use. i'm sure out of the 400 some odd i took they'll have a few to choose from! there were a lot of cool ones that i did with my fish eye lens that i LOVE artistically but i'm not posting them because one of the t-shirts one of these rappers was wearing was pretty explicit. bummer. anyways to the few of you who ever look at this i hope you get a kick out of these.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

sneak preview

did a shoot today that was really different for's just a sneak preview! more to come. (warning: i wasn't in charge of wardrobe.)